This is a web radio I made a while ago.
It's pretty simple and isnt that feature rich, it was more of me trying to get better at javascript rather than making a good product.
You can check it out here (might be down cause its very costly to run).
Click to expand
Meshptcha was a captcha system I made, it has 2 versions: normal and POW.
POW uses scrypt hashes to verify if the user is human, and normal is a jigsaw style captcha.
Its currently deactivated as theres not really a use for it but you can see the screenshots below.
Click to expand
Normal captcha
POW captcha
This is my personal website!
Originally the code was yoinked from someone (i cant remember who) but I've since fully rewritten everything and made it my own.
It's currently here.
Blog posts are written in markdown and are converted to html on the fly, and the site is fully static. (even this portfolio was generated from a markdown file!)